Accufast Kt Tabber Manual
суббота 03 ноября admin 82
The ACCUFAST is a tabbing machine that has more uses than we have space to explain them. The essence of the is that it tabs both booklets and self mailers with the appropriate tabs in the correct spots automatically. Very little set up and operator interaction is required. Just select the correct Tab Mode, load the proper tabs, and feed pieces from whatever device you choose on the front end.
Unlimited DVR storage space. Live TV from 60+ channels. No cable box required. Cancel anytime.
Clean out the waste when it's full and splice on another strip of tabs when the first one runs out. Nothing to it.

Dec 27, 2017 - Accufast KT 1.5 Tabletop Tabbing Machine. Accufast KT 1.5,tabbing machines,mail tabbers,mail tabbing,tabbers,used. The ACCUFAST KT 1.5.