Carburetor Jetting Software Download
четверг 06 декабря admin 91
Disclaimer Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the features and information presented in this software. However, the author accepts no responsibility, and offers no warranty whether expressed or implied, for the accuracy of this publication. The author makes no warranty of any kind in regard to the contents of this software. The author shall not be liable for errors contained in it or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the performance or use of this software. No part of this software may be reproduced without the express written permission of the author.
ZIP format, approx. Tekst pochetnoj gramoti na yubilej. 6.4MB Download the ZIP file to your hard disk, unzip it, and run the file 'SETUP.EXE' which will install WinSU onto your computer. Once you have installed WinSU, you will need to register and enter an activation code to fully enable all the features in your copy of the software. The table below shows which features are enabled in the free and registered software. Feature Free Registered Technical library contains data on over 700 needles Supports single/twin/triple/quad carbs running 0.09/0.1/0.125inch jets Performance analysis gives power, torque, max speed, 0-60 time, etc etc Gearbox info allows transmission loss and wheel power to be calculated Needle dimension data can be displayed graphically or as a table Overlay up to 8 needles profiles to compare them graphically Suggests the best needles for your engine Search for similar needles.

Download the Carb Tuning Guide. Verify carburetor is set to stock settings. Since 2004 S&S shorty carbs have been fitted with an adjustable main jet air. KartMAX Jetting Software is a tool designed for use with the Rotax MAX FR125 Sr kart engine. The purpose of this tool is to recommend a jet, needle position and spark reference, taking in consideration the weather conditions on the racetrack. Enda etc 442 manual.