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@ *laughs* I'd love to know what things this would explain. Would you tell me? =) But to answer your question first: It is kinda canon, BUT it doesn't tie in at a specific point in the story. I first didn't want to make it canon, because it was more of a 'what if' thing.
But it kinda took on a life on its own and now it's more of a spin-off than a AU or something of the like. But as I said they don't really tie in at a certain point in time in the main story, so nothing that happened here really does in fact explain anything that happened in the main story of TEN.
@8012k Oh, you're right. It seems to be sold out at the moment.

However, I can't answer this question, because I'm not the publisher or at the publisher's. I'll have to ask them myself first. So seeing as you posted this question three times over the span of two hours, it seems it was urgent for you I guess it would have been a lot faster for you if you asked them yourself directly. As stated many times they are very much able to speak and write English X3 so you can just drop them an email at info[at]cursed-verlag.de. @8012k Oh, you're right.
It seems to be sold out at the moment. However, I can't answer this question, because I'm not the publisher or at the publisher's.
I'll have to ask them myself first. So seeing as you posted this question three times over the span of two hours, it seems it was urgent for you I guess it would have been a lot faster for you if you asked them yourself directly. As stated many times they are very much able to speak and write English X3 so you can just drop them an email at info[at]cursed-verlag.de.