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Nazhip Valitov Knigi

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Nazhip Valitov Knigi 4,2/5 9747 votes

2017-09-26 weekly.

HOW CARCINOGENS TRANSFORM HEALTHY CELLS INTO CARCINOGENIC ONES? This article is translated from the short version of the contents of the interview of Professor Valitov to one of Russian newspapers. How carcinogens penetrate into cell?

All carcinogens have one common - electrophylic, - property, the ability to interact with the parts of protein molecules, which have opposite charge. Then, positive charged parts of the molecules of carcinogens 'stick' to the negative charged parts of the molecules of the structure of cell. They gather at membranes - 'the gates', through which the exchange of nutrients /metabolism/ and substances happens. As a result of this, the resistance to the water molecules flowing increases, the transfer of the nutrients of cell and the 'waste' becomes difficult. What is the reaction of cell itself to all that happens? The excretion of the highly active acids increases, that delute organic compounds.

But this causes a new trouble - the holes in the membranes occur. Instead of a normal nutrients exchange /metabolism/ through that holes, a real flow /torrent/ comes out. The program of a vital functions, written at DNA, is been broken. Ea sports fifa 12 english commentary patch. The cell gets away /breaks away/ from it's place, it becomes active and moving. And with a tremendous speed the similar cancer cells multiply.

Carcinogens destroy healthy cells in organism. Their amount becomes enormous.

Immune system /defense/ doesn't have enough time anymore to catch and to destroy them, and this way the cancer starts to develop. One of the books of Professor Valitov was included into the library catalogs of Harward and New York Universities. Obrazec prikaza o zanesenii na dosku pocheta.

The book 'Vacuum Vibrations at Chemical Excitation of Atoms, Molecules and Chaoticity of Power Lines of Electromagnetic and Gravitational Field' /Ufa city, GILEM Publishing house, 1997,99 pages/ was included into library catalog of Harvard University: HOLLIS number:007770798 ISBN: Location: Cabot Science [Ordered-received] Valitov,N.Kh. /Nazhip Khatmullovich/ Vakuumnye kolebaniia pri khimicheskom vozbuzhdenii molekul i khaotichnost silovikh linii elektromagnitnogo i gravitatsionnogo polia /N.Kh.Valitov.

Ufa:Izd-vo 'Gilem', 1997. The same book was included in the New York University library catalog: Location: NYU Bobst Call Number: QC166.V35 1997 status: Available.

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