Proekt Shkola Moej Mechti Na Anglijskom Prezentaciya
вторник 15 января admin 60
Recept za Jaffa štanglice. Za spremanje poslastice neophodno je pripremiti keks, napolitanke, orah, keks, mleko, margarin, čokoladu, ulje. Presentation «A DREAM SCHOOL» Andreychikova Linda 9 A.
Kitajskie imena i ih znacheniya muzhskie engine. My dream-town My city is divided in two halves. In one half of the city, there are many good cottages with large roofs.
The cottages have a beautiful yard with flowers and trees in front of them. There is a lovely two-storey house, too. They all have large balconies where people drink tea in the summer and rest. In the other half of the city has a high- rise building, offices and skyscrapers. People go to the offices and work 2 days, and the rest 5 days and when they rest, they are sent in the first part of the town.