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Proekt Shkola Moej Mechti Na Anglijskom Prezentaciya

вторник 15 января admin 60
Proekt Shkola Moej Mechti Na Anglijskom Prezentaciya 5,0/5 283 votes

Recept za Jaffa štanglice. Za spremanje poslastice neophodno je pripremiti keks, napolitanke, orah, keks, mleko, margarin, čokoladu, ulje. Presentation «A DREAM SCHOOL» Andreychikova Linda 9 A.


Kitajskie imena i ih znacheniya muzhskie engine. My dream-town My city is divided in two halves. In one half of the city, there are many good cottages with large roofs.

The cottages have a beautiful yard with flowers and trees in front of them. There is a lovely two-storey house, too. They all have large balconies where people drink tea in the summer and rest. In the other half of the city has a high- rise building, offices and skyscrapers. People go to the offices and work 2 days, and the rest 5 days and when they rest, they are sent in the first part of the town.