Spravka Ob Otsutstvii Obremeneniya Na Dolyu V Ustavnom Kapitale Obrazec
понедельник 29 октября admin 99
Pupils who are citizens of the country of one of the Parties and live in the territory of the country of the other Party shall have the right to attend elementary school and prepare for elementary school under the same conditions as the citizens of the country on whose territory they live. The Parties agree that their citizens shall enrol in secondary and tertiary education in the country of the other Party under the same conditions as the citizens of that Party. The Parties agree that students who are citizens of the other Party shall be subject to the same criteria concerning the payment of tuition fees for tertiary education as domestic students. As regards studies and the regulation of other matters in tertiary education the principles of the autonomy of establishments shall apply. The Parties shall support the introduction of joint postgraduate studies among interested higher education establishments in fields of mutual interest. They shall provide all necessary assistance in the fulfilment of the necessary conditions for the initiation of joint studies in accordance with their national legislation.
Fotosintetska uČinkovitost u mladome stadiju razvoja i oplemenjivanje ozimoga jeČma na prinos zrna i njegovu stabilnost Article (PDF Available) in Poljoprivreda 17(1) June 2011 with 35 Reads.
The Parties shall annually exchange up to eighteen (18) monthly scholarships for advanced studies at higher education establishments with duration of 3 to 6 months for candidates aged up to 26. Scholarship holders shall be guaranteed residence and other subsidies and a monthly scholarship to an amount determined by the national legislation of each Party. The Parties shall annually notify each other of the structure and amount of scholarships and other conditions. The obligations foreseen by this Protocol shall be implemented on the part of Bosnia and Herzegovina by authorities competent for education in entities, cantons and Brčko District. The Parties shall enhance mutual cooperation in the field of education especially with the aim of exchanging their experience with reform of the education system as a part of the process of stabilisation and accession to the European Union and shall to this end, either directly or in the framework of multilateral programmes, cooperate in different projects of mutual interest. The Parties shall especially support mutual cooperation in the field of higher education in the framework of multilateral programmes of the European Union and the CEEPUS regional programme.
This Protocol shall be provisionally applied by the Parties upon signature. It shall enter into force on the day of receipt through diplomatic channels of the last official written notification on fulfilment by the parties of the internal procedures required for the entry into force of this Protocol. The Protocol shall be concluded for five academic years: 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17 and 2017/18.
The Protocol may be extended, but not for longer than until the end of the academic year in which Bosnia and Herzegovina becomes a full member of the European Union. Rpc for 3ds max 2009 64 bit pc. The termination of this Protocol shall not influence programmes and projects initiated under this Protocol, so they shall continue until their conclusion except as otherwise agreed. The Parties shall strive to settle any dispute regarding the interpretation or implementation of this Protocol in an amicable way. In witness thereof, the undersigned, being duly authorised, have signed this Protocol. Concluded in Sarajevo on 25 July 2013 in duplicate in the English language.
Vlada Republike Slovenije, ki jo predstavlja Ministrstvo za izobraževanje, znanost in šport Republike Slovenije, in Svet ministrov Bosne in Hercegovine, ki ga predstavlja Ministrstvo za civilne zadeve Bosne in Hercegovine, v nadaljnjem besedilu 'pogodbenika', sta se v želji, da se razvija in poglablja sodelovanje na področju izobraževanja med Republiko Slovenijo ter Bosno in Hercegovino, v prepričanju, da bo tako sodelovanje pripomoglo k boljšemu razumevanju in krepitvi vsestranskih odnosov med državama, izhajajoč iz 15. Člena Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Svetom ministrov Bosne in Hercegovine o sodelovanju na področju kulture, izobraževanja in znanosti, ki je bil podpisan 19. Oktobra 1999 v Ljubljani in je veljaven, dogovorila. Učenci, državljani države enega od pogodbenikov, ki živijo na ozemlju države drugega pogodbenika, imajo pravico obiskovati osnovno šolo in se pripravljati na osnovno šolo pod enakimi pogoji kot državljani države, na ozemlju katere živijo. Pogodbenika soglašata, da se njuni državljani v državi drugega pogodbenika vpisujejo v srednješolsko in terciarno izobraževanje pod enakimi pogoji, ki veljajo za državljane tega pogodbenika. Pogodbenika soglašata, da se za študente, državljane drugega pogodbenika, glede plačila šolnine za terciarno izobraževanje uporabljajo enaka merila, kot veljajo za domače študente. Glede študija in urejanja drugih zadev v zavodih, ki izvajajo terciarno izobraževanje, se uporabljajo načela visokošolske avtonomije. Kino na russkom yazike.