The Longest Day Colorized Download
четверг 14 марта admin 46
To view this video download Flash Player. This special colorized, commemorative edition was issued in honor of the June 6, 1944, Allied invasion of France! The Longest Day is one of those movies that's just too good not to be watched not just a few times but MANY times. While certainly Hollywood and definitely long and in glorious Black.
One of the very first World War II films made by an American studio in which the members of each country spoke nearly all their dialogue in the language of that country: the Germans spoke German, the French spoke French, and the Americans and the British spoke English. There were subtitles on the bottom of the screen to translate the various languages. There were two versions of this movie, one where all the actors spoke English and the other (the better known one) where the French and German actors spoke their respective languages. 20th Century Fox was taking a real gamble making this film.
At ten million dollars, it was a hugely daring venture, but even more risky was (1963), which was being filmed concurrently. This was to set Fox back the then unprecedented sum of forty million dollars. Although 'Cleopatra' did well at the box office, it was simply too expensive to recoup its costs and nearly bankrupted the studio. Fortunately, this film turned out to be one of Fox's biggest hits and helped offset the financial damage caused by the Egyptian epic. (playing Major John Howard, Officer Commanding D Company of The 2nd Battalion The Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, Air Landing Brigade, 6th Airborne Division) was himself in Normandy on D-Day, and participated as Capt. Todd of the 7th Parachute Battalion, 5th Parachute Brigade, British 6th Airborne Division. His battalion actually went into action as reinforcements, via a parachute jump (after the gliders had landed and completed the initial coup de main assault).
Usilitelj na stk4231. Captain Richard 'Sweeney' Todd was moved from the plane he was originally scheduled to jump from, to another. The original plane was shot down, killing everyone on board. The scene of the French commando assault in Ouistreham was filmed in the nearby town of Port-en-Bessin.
A building seen in the background of the long tracking shot is painted with the words 'Bazar de Ouistreham'. A local resident has indicated that this sign originally said 'Bazar de Port-en-Bessin', but the town name was painted over to say 'Ouistreham' for filming, then restored to say 'Port-en-Bessin' after filming. As of 2013 the paint of the lettering on the building is still visible but has faded on the town name portion so that both the 'Port-en-Bessin' and 'Ouistreham' lettering can now be seen.
I have a question for those knowledgeable about the film. While listening to the soundtrack on youtube, I came across a group of colorized clips of it. Being a fan of the movie, this surprised me (its shot in B&W). My questions are: 1. Was it shot in color and converted to B&W later for the theatrical release; or was the original B&W version colorized post-shooting for some reason?
Is the color version available for sale? I am mainly just curious - I like the B&W release just fine, but wouldn't mind watching the color version. For those that are interested, here are the clips. The colors seem significantly off (especially in the first clip), so I am guessing that it was colorized post-shooting. [YOUTUBE][YOUTUBE]Thanks for the assistance. Click to expand.The vast bulk was shot/taken in black-and-white.

Colour technology was very new indeed, and actually the Germans were ahead of the game with AGFA. Hence the very good colour photos taken for 'Signal'.
But for colour movie/newsreel footage, KODAK in the USA were very advanced ( just look at Wyler's 'Memphis Belle' footage ). Only toward the very end of the war were the Americans using truly portable colour cameras.
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Britain lagged behind Germany and America in colour combat photography, both still and black-and-white. If they were deleting all the black and white footage and films from the archives and replacing it with colourised stuff i'd agree that it was a terrible thing - the fact that they're just giving everyone the option means that more people have the chance to see these items in the format which they prefer, so it opens the genre up to many more people. If they do a good job of it, and from what I've seen it's getting better all the time, there is nothing wrong with colourising black and white at all. I don't really mind either way, but some things are better in black and white, some better in colour.