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вторник 09 октября admin 64
468 Krušič, v. RMZ-M&G 2010, 57 sponse on the critical spot is elasto-plastic and is defined by kinematic and isotropic hardening and damage development D (2) where E stands for the elastic module, n is a Poisson ratio, s e is an effective stress, s kk is a spherical stress tensor and α(p)a function, which defines be.
Futazh nachalo filjma obratnij otschet cherno belij. We’re going to let HIM decide which team he likes. Until then, Mommy & Daddy are dressing him and I decided he was NOT wearing the Yankeehat today. And like a good wifey, I’m not But when we drove off this morning, I think he was still fuming. ( Can’t have him getting beat-up at daycare!) So, with disgust, Vinay let Avery wear his Red Sox gear to daycare today – with strict instructions – do not post any pictures of him in his Red Sox gear today!
Marko Mišmaš je direktor področja Raziskave in razvoj v podjetju Iskraemeco, d.d., Nejc Šmid, univ. El, pa je v podjetju zaposlen kot razvojni inženir s področja Software.
Podjetje se s celotnim portfeljem izdelkov pametnega merjenja odziva na potrebe elektrodistribucij in odjemalcev po učinkovitem upravljanju z energijo. Pametno merjenje zagotavlja elektrodistribucijam ustrezne podatke za učinkovito upravljanje z energijo, načrtovanje porabe in doseganje stroškovno učinkovitega delovanja. Uporabnikom omogoča delovanje v skladu s trajnostnim razvojem in znižuje njihove stroške električne energije. Kamera: Andrej Kokalj, Yari Stepanov Asistent kamere: Domen Kacin Vodičar Montaža: Andrej Kokalj Producentka: Tisa Vrečko Ilc Marec 2018.